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Eunice Wambui Ndungu – Kamwangi – Kiambu, Kenya

Like many of Kenya’s small-scale farmers, Eunice Wambui Ndungu grew up in the same community where she now farms. Eunice says that “farming is a way of life and I have loved it from childhood.” She also says that farming is changing, “when I was growing up, we
only farmed for subsistence. Now we are being forced to expand at the expense of degrading soil fertility brought on by the synthetic fertilizers that can reduce yields.” She was introduced to Safi Organics fertilizer in Naivasha where it is used to grow maize and cabbages.

“When I saw its performance, I wanted to apply it on my farm” comments Eunice. She wanted a change. Antony’s Farm had been using
synthetic fertilizers for a long time. “After using Safi Organics fertilizer for four years, the first thing I would say is that the food is healthier and for arrowroot farmers, we are interested in the quality and quantity of the harvest which is maximized using organic fertilizers that enrich the soil. Our one-acre farm now has increased yields, enhanced soil water retention, and an improved acidity level of the soil.” And happily, revenue has increased by 40 percent and three new employees have joined Antony’s Farm team.

“For me”, says Eunice, “knowing that what I am consuming and selling is non-toxic and won’t have the side
effects that can be brought on by synthetic fertilizers, motivates me to further expand what I love doing, farming.”

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