Best Maize Fertilizer To Increase Productivity

The Best Maize Fertilizer For Your Farm

A thriving maize farm as a result of using the best maize fertilizer

If you are an aspiring or practising maize farmer then it is in your best interest to know about the best maize fertilizer available in your local area. Despite its profitable nature, maize yields have been declining over the years and if this problem is not rectified, then the country could be staring at a severe food shortage in the future.

In Kenya, the major maize production areas are Kakamega, Kirinyaga, Uasin Gishu and Trans Nzoia County. Combined, the country produces at least 26 million bags of maize which is below the annual demand of at least 34 million bags. This is despite the fact that the land under cultivation is increasing. What this shows is that the yield per acre is reducing and if this problem is not rectified soon, then the country will spend its reserves importing food. So which are some of the factors affecting maize yields in Kenya?

2 Main Factors Affecting Maize Yields in Kenya

Environmental Factors

The two main environmental factors affecting maize yields in Kenya can be categorized as either abiotic factors or biotic factors. Both of these two factors are aggravated by global warming conditions currently affecting the world. Abiotic constraints trigger a series of molecular, biochemical and physiological changes in plants. An example of an abiotic constraint is when the soil PH changes as a result of climatic stresses such as drought, heat stress, floods and cold.

Similarly, biotic factors are a result of the decline in important organisms such as pollinators, or an increase in pests such as vertebrate pests and arthropods. These pests can also migrate from one place to another through a phenomenon known as climate-driven migration.

Technological Factors

Over the last few years, there has been an effort to introduce genetically modified maize into the market. Some genetically improved maize strains have proven to increase yields by more than 30%. Other technical factors that have proven to increase maize yields include fertilizer technology  {Fertilizer that has the required nutrients suitable for maize growth}, the use of farm machinery and adaptive microbial technology.

With advanced fertilizer technology for maize, farmers should expect a yield of 8 kg of grains from 1kg of nutrient fertilizer. With the right fertilizer technology, you should expect an increased yield of 50%.

Ecological Requirements of Maize

Before we discuss the best maize fertilizer, you need to understand how environmental factors affect maize farming:


Though maize can flourish in a wide range of climatic conditions, it thrives well in regions or areas that receive rainfall of between 1200 – 2500mm. Depending on the variety, some can also thrive in regions that receive 400mm of rainfall. During the first five weeks after planting, the maize should receive plenty of rainfall

The Soil

For optimal growth, maize should be planted in areas with well-drained loam soil and with a PH level of 5.5 – 7. Though they can grow in a wide range of soil conditions, ensure the soil is not waterlogged.


Maize thrives well in temperatures of between 15 – 30 degrees Celcius. This is however not to say that it can not thrive in cold regions. The only problem with this is that the maturity period will significantly increase.


For optimal growth, maize should be planted in zones with an altitude ranging from 100 – 2900m above sea level

Best Maize Fertilizer

If all agronomical practices are adhered to and growth conditions are optimal, then you can expect an average yield of 40 bags per acre. Keep in mind that the maize variety also matters as some have better yields than others. When it comes to fertilizer application, timing is key. Also, do not forget that you need to have a soil test done to know for sure which nutrients to avoid and which to add to the soil.

Maize Fertilizer Requirements Per Hectare

To calculate the maize fertilizer requirements per hectare, we advise you to multiply the target maize yield per hectare by 25 kg of commercial fertilizer. For example, if you are looking to achieve a yield of at least 30 bags per hectare, then the fertilizer requirements for this piece of land would be 160 kg of nitrogen fertilizer.

Best Fertilizer for Maize Farming

Two types of fertilizers can be used for maize farming; organic or industrial fertilizers. Whichever you choose for your maize farming venture, it is primarily up to you but organic fertilizer has more advantages over industrial ones. For example, organic fertilizers have been proven to increase yields by up to 30% while at the same time protecting the environment. Also, because they are organic, you reduce the chances of over-fertilization which decreases the chances of your farm becoming acidic.

The best fertilizer for maize should depend on several factors one of them being the type of soil you have. For example, if you have planted maize in acidic soil, then we recommend the use of organic fertilizer such as Safi Sarvi. If you prefer for commercial fertilizer, we recommend a fertilizer with liming effects such as MEA Mazao fertilizer which should be applied at the rate of 100kg per acre. Other commercial fertilizers that you can use include Mavun Basai and Mavuna which should be applied at a rate of 75kg per acre.

Fertilizer Application for Maize

During planting, you will be required to apply a phosphorus fertilizer into each hole and mix it thoroughly so that it does not burn the maize seeds. The application for a phosphorus fertilizer should be at the rate of 50kg per acre.

The reason why a phosphorus fertilizer is important is that it helps in root development. To promote early crop development, we advise that you use a suitable foliar fertilizer. During the top dressing stage, we advise you use CAN once the plants are at least 45 centimetres high. CAN should be used at intervals of between 6 weeks. During the flowering and grain filling stage, we advise you to spray your crops with either GoldChance super flowers &fruit fertilizer or with DIMIPHITE. This is done to promote the quantity and quality of the maize crops.

If you are for looking for consultancy services, give us a call and let us help increase your maize yields. Also, if you are in Mwea or other rice-growing regions in Kenya, feel free to learn more about our rice fertilizer.



This Post Has 13 Comments


    Hi can I get your fertilizer oliz

    1. safiorganic

      yes you can contact us via 0726204112 or whatsup us via 0725778829


    Hi can I get your fertilizer please.

    1. safiorganic

      contact us via 0726204112 or whatup us via 0725778829 to make an order.


    Fertilizer availability

  4. Peter

    Hi can spray for how long

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