Hi there! Are you looking for the best avocado fertiliser? A fertiliser that you can use to increase your avocado yields? Then we have what you are looking for. We have prepared this guide to help avocado farmers increase their yields and identify nutrient deficiencies to rectify the problem before affecting the entire farm.
Organic Avocado Fertiliser
Though there are several recommendations on the best avocado fertiliser in the market, we prefer a more holistic approach. When discussing the best fertiliser to use, we like to look at the micronutrients required rather than having one product that will magically solve all your needs.
At the same time, as you consider the nutrients required by the avocado tree, you must also appreciate that climatic factors and soil conditions also affect avocado yields. Organic avocado fertiliser has several benefits;
- It balances the soil ecosystem.
- It reduces the number of chemical components found in the soil
- Organic fertilisers do not interfere with the chemical composition of the soil
Safi Sarvi
One organic avocado fertiliser that we recommend is the Safi Sarvi fertiliser. The Safi Sarvi fertiliser is made from organic matter, suitable for avocado farming. The fertiliser helps restore soil pH, reduce plant toxicity, and help with moisture retention.
This trait is advantageous if you are planting avocados in a hot area or an area with a limited water supply.
Best Avocado Fertiliser to Increase Your Yields
When evaluating the best avocado fertiliser, we will consider the nutrients required by the avocado tree and what is lacking as dictated by a soil test. So which are some of the nutrients the avocado tree needs to thrive?
When applying nitrogen, only use small amounts not to burn the roots. Nitrogen Promotes growth and development.
Nitrogen deficiency is characterised by stunted growth and small pale leaves.
potassium is vital because it helps promote faster growth, and the avocado tree produces fruits. If the soil does not have potassium, you will realise that some of the trees are not maturing fast enough, and if they have developed, they are not producing any fruit.
This becomes a problem, especially for farmers who depend on the rainy season because the season might pass before the tree bears fruit. You can use several signs to tell whether your avocado trees suffer from potassium deficiency.
One sign of potassium deficiency is spotting Brown, red necrotic spots on older leaves. In some trees, the twigs might be thin and thick. Also, the leaves might appear narrow and small. We advise farmers to use their best judgement when evaluating whether the leaves are of the required size.
Zinc is an essential fertiliser because it helps the avocado tree bear healthy fruit. A Soil Test is the best way of detecting zinc deficiency. You can also detect zinc deficiency by observing Leaf margins. The avocado tree requires a zinc-based fertiliser if the leaf margins are necrotic with short internodes.
Iron is essential because it helps promote a healthy plant, which results in healthy fruits, ultimately increasing yields. Fe deficiency will have different symptoms in different parts of the world. In most cases, the deficiency is mainly caused by excessive irrigation and poor drainage.
You can categorise iron symptoms as short-term symptoms and long-term symptoms. The leaves have a narrow dark green stripe and an interveinal yellowish colour along the veins as a short term problem. If this problem is not rectified, the leaves will automatically become smaller, affecting yields.
Most avocado farmers do not know that boron plays a crucial role in avocado nutrition. If your avocado farm is deficient in boron, expect the fruit to be malformed and have necrotic spots on the seed and the fruit as a whole.
When using avocado fertiliser, farmers should know about the avocado fertiliser ratio they need to use. The avocado fertiliser ratio will significantly depend on the results of a soil test.
So why is a soil test important?
- It will determine the number of minerals present in the soil
- The test will be able to determine the strength of the growth cycle
- The specialist will be able to know whether the land is pest infected or has soil diseases
Soil Requirements for Growing Avocados
If you’re a first-time farmer planning to grow avocado, ensure that you plant avocado in soils ranging from light to heavy. The soil pH should be 6.5. Another factor to consider is the aeration.
Avocado trees are sensitive to poorly aerated soils and should not be planted in soil that is compact and with poor permeability. Some of the factors to consider are; the clay percentage, soil drainage, and pore capacity.
Avocado Pests and Disease
The most economical and efficient way to control pests and diseases on an avocado farm is to prevent them in the first place. These preventive measures include using the right avocado fertiliser, using a suitable avocado seed variety, Weed Control and maintaining proper plant density.
Some of the major pests that attack avocados are:
- Thrips
- Scale insects
- False codling moth
Avocados are also affected by fungal diseases that need to be controlled early not to affect the entire plantation. Some of these diseases are;
Root Rot: Root rot disease mainly affects avocados in poorly drained soils or those planted in flood-prone areas. The best way to protect from root rot disease is to graft the tree with a disease-resistant variety.
Anthracnose: This disease attacks mature fruits and is controlled using copper-based fungicide search as Propineb.
Scab: Scab attacks leaves fruits and twigs
I would want your contacts. I have a farm in Ol kalou and I want to buy your products for my soil.
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contact us via 0726204112 or whatsup us via 0725778829
I have planted 1000 avocado trees and I need fertilizers. How can I get help.
Hey Ernest, you can get in touch through the whatsapp button on the home screen. I will also send you an email. Thanks.
we will be happy to help you contact us via : 0726204112
Where is the farm located and are you top dressing or Planting?
would you share your number with us for future communication?
Hello Ernest am interested in avocado farming can i engage you for advice please?
yes you can, contact us via 0726204112
Well done.
I need SafiOrganics fertilizer for my Ovacado trees
How can I get the the stuff?
contact us via 0726204112 to make a purchase
I am in the process of planting avocado trees. How can I use your fertilizers?
yes you can
I need your safi organic fertilizer for my one year avocado plants-2000 pcs.Advise on price.
My farm is at Keringet in Molo.
a bag goes for 2500
you can contact us via 0741420660 for more information